The Quickening

Are you feeling over loaded with so many tasks to complete at this time? Of course anyone could answer yes to that question just about any time. In the past few weeks you may be aware of a feeling that over load feeling seems to be heightened and a feeling of there simply not being enough time available becoming stronger. If you are currently feeling this, know you are not alone. You are experiencing the effects of the “Quickening”. … More The Quickening


The experiences of individuated faces of Source is all about choices. Each choice that you have ever made and will ever make determines what you will experience. Within that knowing, there are some who are most likely wondering about choices they are aware of that they have made and the effect those choices are going to have on their continued evolution. This message is with the intention of assisting you into a more balanced state of thinking concerning such. … More Choices

Costumes, Masks

Most likely you have heard the phrase, “The World is a stage and each must play a part”. Indeed, that is exactly what the game of life entails.

As you go about your busy life, do you allow awareness of the many different characters you are portraying within the play of life on Earth? Most do not. Very few hold any awareness that they are playing character roles in a play.

The distortions that have existed for so long within the earth reality field, the program of control, and the amnesia the entire population have experienced, has allowed life on earth to become a serious faced drama. A drama that holds thought patterns similar to, “it’s a dog eat dog world out there”. This distorted drama quickly forces the entire population into “survival mode”. … More Costumes, Masks